Book a Visit
Welcome to Leweston Nursery
Set in 46 acres of Dorset parkland, just outside of Sherborne, Leweston Nursery welcomes children from 3 months to 4 years old.
We lay the foundations upon which our children build their school career, and indeed, their adult life. We are committed to supporting and encouraging your child’s development, providing our pupils with the very best possible start. In 2018 and 2022 we were awarded ‘Outstanding’ in all areas by Ofsted.

Book a Visit
We believe that the best way to experience Leweston Nursery is to come and see us.
To book a visit to our Nursery please submit the form below and the Registrar for Nursery and Prep, Mrs Wilson, will be in touch as soon as possible to find a mutually convenient time.
Leweston is a popular Nursery and all age groups are currently fully booked and on waiting lists until January 2026. However, you are still very welcome to visit and discuss your requirements in case a place does become available.
We look forward to seeing you soon.

How do you communicate with parents?
Regular communication with home is key and ensures that a true partnership is developed between home and Nursery. We pride ourselves on how well we know each and every child, and we strive to reflect this in all our communications with parents.
The children’s progress is monitored and recorded in Learning Journey folders and through our online Tapestry system.
Your child will bring their Learning Journal folder home to share with you regularly. We also welcome your contributions to their journals, and you will be provided with slips to inform us about activities and developments observed at home. We also invite parents into Nursery to look at their children’s records and to join us for 'Stay and Play' events.
You can also log-in to Tapestry to see photos and videos of what your child has been doing on a daily basis. Your regular contributions to the Tapestry system are hugely valued; you can like and comment on observations and add your own photos and videos.
You can also speak to staff directly at the start and end of every session and will find a home-school book in your child’s book-bag where we will write any important information about your child’s day and you can write messages to us.
If there is anything that you forgot to mention during the Nursery day, staff are contactable by email at all times, or by phone if you are happy to leave a message. We also offer regular parent consultation evenings when you can make an appointment to come in and discuss your child’s progress.
How do support children joining the Nursery?
Children joining the Nursery have three settling-in sessions – the first one is an hour long and you stay with them, then they have a 2 hour session without family and then a 3 hour session, again without family. All settling sessions are free.
At each one your child will be greeted by the Nursery staff and follow the Nursery timetable. The staff will keep a close eye on them and will give you feedback at the end of the session as to how they have got on. A place is offered following your child’s settling in session in the Nursery.
Once children have joined they are integrated into life at the Nursery and their key staff member, as well as the team, will ensure that their routine at home is mirrored as closely as possible at Nursery to facilitate a smooth transition.


Discover Life at Leweston Nursery ...

Forest School
Leweston Prep has been an accredited Forest School since September 2017 which enables us to offer a host of outdoor opportunities to the children which benefit every area of the curriculum.

Enhanced Curriculum
The broad and exciting Leweston Nursery curriculum focuses on the development of key learning skills and interaction with real experiences, ensuring that children have the competencies and knowledge they need to succeed at school. The Nursery follows the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, which is based on three prime areas of learning and four specific areas.

Ages and Stages
Leweston Nursery welcomes children from 3 months to 4 years and is divided into four ‘units’, based on age; Babies, Toddlers, Transition 1 and Transition 2.Each unit has a specific Room Leader and your child will be assigned a key worker who will be your first contact at the Nursery.

Healthy Eating
At Leweston we aim to ensure that all children receive a balanced diet which provides the nutrients needed for optimal growth and development. All children have their meals in the main school dining room to learn about social eating and have lunch with the nursery staff.